We are pleased to offer our members access to more than 1,500 museums, cultural and historic sites, and science centers worldiwde. Through our program partnerships you'll receive free admission and museum store discounts to some of the most prestigous institutions including the Barnes Foundation, the Frick Collection, the Acadmey of Natural Sciences at Drexel University and many more.
Sponsor Members and Above
Contributor Members and Above
Family Members and Above
All Members
We have a special partnership with the Academy of Natural Sciences at Drexel Univiersity and the NY Hall of Science. The 90 mile radius restriction is waived for these two institutions and you will receive ASTC Passport benefits with your current New Jersey State Museum membership card.
Return to the membership page to find the level that is right for you!
Some exclusions apply. Please read the reciprocal program and participating institution websites before visiting. Always bring your current New Jersey State Museum membership card with you.